Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Make Your Own Creative & Colorful Countdown!

Make Your Own Creative & Colorful Countdown!
Hey bloggers!
So, this blog is about the things that makes us different and special. One of the things that makes me special is my creative and crazy ideas, like the following one. Another thing that makes me different is my fangirling and the fandoms (that are like family to me) that I belong to, and one featured on the creation of the idea. It's The Mortal Instruments and Cassandra Clare's books!
Today I have a really creative and crafty idea for my artists and followers out there.
One of the things that I hate the most is waiting for something, like a book, a movie, an album... So I came up with this idea of creating a Countdown. But not a singular and boring computer countdown (p.s: I have nothing against the computer countdowns) because I have to turn on my computer to check them, and sometimes I just have no time, or I have to study for final exams and the computer time during that season it's forbidden, and for me, it's frustrating to have the seconds-minutes-hours-days and have to stare at them all night long like: come on, rest a day... I'm waiting... Come on, I'm desperate!
So I said: I'm going to make a creative countdown for me. And after I finished it I said: I should share this idea on the blog.
Want to count down the weeks or days for anything like: the days left for your final exams, days until summer, days until the release of a book or the premiere of a movie. This is a funny and creative idea to make the countdown funnier and even personal, cause you're the one that made it.
So hand to work!

Step 1 - Materials

Choose the topic for the countdown.
For example: My topic is the weeks until City of Heavenly Fire (Book 6 on The Mortal Instruments series).
Make your choice and decide which is going to be your topic.
Choice made? Now, let's go with the materials. You may need:

 Do you have all the stuff? So let's get started!

Step 2 - Basic Structure

Decide if you're going to count the days to the date by days, weeks or maybe months. Grab a calendar and count them down.
Example: On last week's Tuesday, the weeks for the release of the book were 20.
That means, I'm going to take off a sheet every Tuesday.
Next, you're going to grab the Post-it pads (you can use different colors).

 Now, separate the sheets from the pad, one for each week (or day) left for the final date.
Check on the example: In this case, I have to count down 20 weeks, so, I took off 20 sheets from the pads. If you look closer, I used green notes and yellow notes, actually 10 from the yellow and 10 from the green and alternated it on a patters: One yellow, one green.

Next step: Design the sheet! here's where you can get really creative and really colorful.
Check the example: What I did with mine was that I grabbed note by note and wrote down the number of weeks left, every note prays: --Weeks until City of Heavenly Fire. And everyone is decorated with different patterns, colors, forms and even font styles.
You guys can use glitter, stickers, nail polish, neon lights, those glow-in-the-dark markers that I consider so freaking COOL! Just use your imagination, it doesn't matter if you have to repeat a sheet because you didn't like it, or it looks ugly, don't freak out and repeat it, I had to repeat some too.
Here we have a close up of some notes, the sheets with the days left or weeks left. You can see different color combinations and models.

Step 3 - Adds

Now, I recommend you to organize the sheets in decreasing order. Like 20-19-18-17...
Put them aside.
Optional: Let's add some funny quotes to the count down, like, for example, if you're counting down the weeks left for the Divergent movie premiere, you can add some notes from a different color pad and write things like: Get ready, Dauntless initiation will begin in 3 weeks, or maybe some quotes from the book like: I am selfish. I am brave.
Here I left you some of the quotes and phrases that I added to my Countdown:
I used the Orange pad this time. If you're a Nephilim, or you know about the Cassandra Clare's Books you'll understand some of the quotes.
Almost there: You can put this quote when there's like 6 weeks left.
Prepare your feels: I put this one after the 1 week left note because, for me, this is going to be a quite special and emotional book and I know that I will cry rivers for 3 days.. or weeks, but, you know, I thought it fitted for the Countdown occasion.
Final Round: I'll explain where I pasted this one down bellow.
By The Angel: As I told you, you can use quotations of the book, and this one is a quotation from The Mortal Instruments Books.
I also did 2 more and wrote: Are you OK? Should we call the Silent Brothers?: This one is a quotation of the books, like the one before.

Step 4 - The Encore

The Encore is something I added to my Countdown, my countdown has 2 Encores, and it all goes like this: The week left to the book I'm going to count it down with days:
First part:
I used the Pink pad for this Encore.
I wanted the last week to be the most exciting because it's the most awaited.
So I made the 7 to 1 sheets and also a final one that prays: City of Heavenly Fire Release Day. Here you can see a little close up.
Second part:
This was just something randomly. The book that I'm waiting for has a quote that is: ''Will love be their salvation or their destruction?''
This group has a different design. The book is called City of Heavenly Fire, so I drew some flames under the words to relate the Countdown and the book.
 I grabbed the Orange pad and fitted the quote on it. I alternated the sheets with the 7 to 1 and the quote pads.
If you don't understand, down I have the building of my countdown and the order that I used for it.
You can variate the quote depending on the occasion, even make a drawings instead of a quotation.
Remember that this part is just an Encore that I did to my Countdown, it's totally optional, if you don't want to, you don't need to add it.

Step 5 - Final building

Sheet/Sheets refers to the sheets that say; --Weeks
Add: the ones on Step 3
-Days: the ones from Step 4
Encore: the ones from Step 4
This is the way I organized it
''20 - 7 Weeks'' sheets
Add: Are you OK? should we call the Silent Brothers?
''6 & 5 Weeks'' sheets
Add: Almost there
''4 Weeks'' sheet
Add: By the Angel
''3 Weeks'' sheet
Add: Are you OK? Should we call the Silent Brothers?
''2 Weeks'' sheet
Add: Final Round
''1 Week'' sheet
Add: Prepare your feels
''7 Days'' sheet
Encore: Will
''6 Days'' sheet
Encore: love
''5 Days'' sheet
Encore: be
''4 Days'' sheet
Encore: their
''3 Days'' sheet
Encore: Salvation
''2 Days'' sheet
Encore: or their
''1 Day'' sheet
Encore: Destruction
Encore: City of Heavenly Fire Release Day

So basically, that's a wrap!
You have your own creative, original and cute Countdown!
I don't know about you but I had a lot of fun creating it and sharing it with you guys, hope this tutorial helped you, or gave you ideas. and remember:
Quote for the post: ''Creativity has no boundaries, don't cage it. Let it go''
This was a different post, I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope you to have fun and let your creativity fly!
Witty Vivi
-Love Always & Forever.-

Want me to write about some specific topic? want to tell a story? want to make a point? want to ask anything? any recommendation? ideas? Write to me! you can write to my e-mail: also, here's my Twitter account, if you want to, you can follow it and write to me: @VivianaGomez_13

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